Umana S.p.A. is seeking BACK OFFICE SPECIALISTS for a prominent company specialised in structured and alternative investment products. You will be responsible for managing financial transactions, maintaining financial records, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. Your role will involve working closely with the finance team to streamline operations and help improve financial performance. You will also be tasked with preparing financial reports and presenting them to management. This role requires a high level of accuracy, attention to detail, and the ability to work under pressure. Responsibilities : • Pricing of structured products with our issuing banks. • Issuing product and get the TS. • Daily booking of trades. • Weekly report on the trades by trader and issuing bank. • Check the correctness, issuing and sending out trades' reports. • Reconcile of the trades when necessary. • Find the cause and resolve any discrepancies. • Report to management any discrepancies. • Preparing a payment list report of the financial advisory services for management approval. KYC AML • Verifying that all distributors and introducers have been previously approved b compliance (check KYC AML docs). • Manage any KYC AML requests and updates. • Report to management any KYC AML issues. MARKETING • Confirm with the advertiser the products selected by management and follow • Help the management to create certain product presentations. Actively Managed Certificates • Create with the management internal reports of the Actively Managed Certifici launched by the company. • Routinely sending the reports to management. General admin tasks: Communications with banks and 3rd party service providers Record keeping Providing reports on some business activities. Operiamo nel rispetto delle diversità e con impegno nel favorire equità e pari opportunità, praticando e valorizzando l'inclusione. Il presente annuncio è rivolto senza forma di discriminazione alcuna a tutti i soggetti. L'eventuale declinazione di genere nei termini utilizzati nell'annuncio è da riferirsi comunque a candidati e candidate di ambo i sessi. Le candidature presentate non devono contenere dati relativi allo stato di salute, informazioni relative all'origine etnica, ad opinioni politiche o religiose, all'orientamento sessuale o legate allo stato di famiglia e alle responsabilità familiari. Su è possibile consultare l'informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali (art. 13 del Reg. UE 2016/679).


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