Quality Improvement Engineer

FOR IMPORTANT COMPANY OPERATING IN THE EYEWEAR SECTOR AND LOCATED IN LAURIANO (TO), THE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY HUMAN SPA, IS LOOKING FOR A QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ENGINEER: 1. JOB SCOPE AND MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: As Quality Improvement Engineer you will have the opportunity to ensure the overall quality of products through monitor quality standards, continuous audit, create support documentation, manage CAPA process and definition of criteria to be met. Here some responsibilities you will have: · Day-by-day data analysis · Corrective and preventive actions and verification of effectiveness · Quality Continuous improvement · Database creation · Communicating and talking to people · Investigation management and root cause analysis · Project management · Assess, track and report quality problems both internally and in your supply/logistics chain · Improvement of production flows with a focus on reducing waste/rejects and increasing product quality. · Creation of plant KPIs 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITIES AND RELATED ACTIVITIES: · Finished/Raw products quality improvement · Scrap and rework reduction along the process · Definition of quality standards where necessary · Decision making on acceptance level of defects · Lead projects on time according to plans 3. NETWORK OF INTERACTION: INTERNAL: Production, Planning and NPI, Product Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Other functions of Quality: APQP, LQS, Zero Claims, Field Quality EXTERNAL : Suppliers, Development partners 4. TECHNICAL SKILLS - PORTRAIT OF A PERFECT CANDIDATE · Problem solving skills (8D, Ishikawa, DOE, Capability analysis) · Technical drawing knowledge · Mechanical and functional analysis on product · Ability to provide leadership, a clear sense of purpose and direction to a professional team and meet the targets of the activities. · Project and time management · Good relational skills with focus on team management · Ability to bring together the overall work of a team of staff, including staff and budget responsibilities. 5. SOFT SKILLS - PORTRAIT OF A PERFECT CANDIDATE · Team spirit acumen · Good communication skills · Flexibility and reliability · Ability to work independently and cross-functionality 6. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Master Degree in Engineering 7. LANGUAGES: · Italian · English  THE CANDIDATE WILL BE HIRED ON STAGE WITH REAL POSSIBILITY OF DIRECT EMPLOYMENT WITH THE COMPANY. Operiamo nel rispetto delle diversità e con impegno nel favorire equità e pari opportunità, praticando e valorizzando l'inclusione. Il presente annuncio è rivolto senza forma di discriminazione alcuna a tutti i soggetti. L'eventuale declinazione di genere nei termini utilizzati nell'annuncio è da riferirsi comunque a candidati e candidate di ambo i sessi. Le candidature presentate non devono contenere dati relativi allo stato di salute, informazioni relative all'origine etnica, ad opinioni politiche o religiose, all'orientamento sessuale o legate allo stato di famiglia e alle responsabilità familiari. Su www.umana.it/privacy è possibile consultare l'informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali (art. 13 del Reg. UE 2016/679).


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